Monday 31 August 2015

Don’t let your dreams just be dreams

Don’t let your dreams just be dreams
Has anyone told you not to chase your dreams? Told you that you're silly? They are the silly ones not you! Do you have dreams you want to achieve? Do you live in a dream world? Well the best people do. Everyone has dreams, some may seem impossible to achieve, but they are achievable if you are willing to work hard for it! If you just give up then you weren't passionate about it and it wasn't truly your dream, you would never give up something your passionate about.

I used to love art and singing I was quite good at it, every time I was upset I would hide my feelings with art or singing. Im a good drawer, I wanted to be an artist and sell painting or drawing, but one day someone told me that’s silly you won’t get any money with it your paintings and drawings aren't that good you will just earn a few pennies, since that day I've never picked up a paint brush. They said not to keep it as a main job just keep it as a hobby on the side, but I was so put off I wasn't bothered anymore. After a year I realised that wasn't my true passion, it wasn't my true dream. My ex-boyfriend once proposed to me, I always hinted out my dream proposal hoping he will make it come true. However the one he gave me was not really romantic at all... It kind of upset me. He knew what I wanted, but I just said yes anyway because I loved him. We sat down and I told him about my dream house and what I would have in there, how many bedrooms, I even drew up a floor plan of it. He told me to stop living in a dream world, snap out of it and come into reality. He said we were going to live with his parents and grandma, he told me you have a home already built, why would you want to start over a build a new one? its silly. But it has always been my dream since a child to have this home, it is not a big home it is quite small. I tried persuading him, but he was totally against it and he just wanted to live with his parents. I was so passionate about it that I thought you know what if he cannot give me my dream proposal, bought me a £9 ring as well... Then I do not want to spend my life with a guy who discourages me from my dreams, who doesn't support me. I went home upset and I messaged my best friend at the time saying my dreams will never come true their all fake. She asked me, what makes me say that? I responded, I always had this dream house and it's really silly, because it would never happen. She told me I was silly, not because of my dream, because I wanted to stop dreaming. She said it is realistic and it is possible. I just have to wake up and make it happen, by getting a good education, a well-paid job, a husband who is looking to chase my dreams with me. Then buy some land, hire some builders finally go and create that dream. I found my true dream, my life goal and how to achieve it. I was so passionate about it, I am willing to work hard for it. I know it wouldn't happen in a click of a finger, but I have to do it step by step, it just takes time.

Next time someone tells you to snap out of it and come into reality, just say to them I am in reality. Tell them how you will make that dream real and prove them all wrong! You're not the silly one for dreaming, but you will be the silly one for stopping to dream and believe in yourself. You are a strong person who can get somewhere in life, just by dreaming and being passionate. So I want you to promise me that you will never stop chasing your dreams ,because they all can come true!

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