Sunday 22 November 2015

If you want to be strong, learn to fight alone.

If you want to be strong, learn to fight alone.
Honestly being alone isn’t that bad. It may seem pretty scary at first I understand, but soon you will realise what you can do alone, who you truly are.
I’ll be honest im a very needy person and I always need someone. But I always get hurt I prefer to be alone but I get attached to people easily. Its like when im doing so well alone I just get attached to someone and I become so needy. They always end up hurting me and I don’t want to get hurt anymore and I think neither do you want to get hurt.
When I was going through depression due to me getting bullied my phone got token off me and I was leaving school going to college I didn’t have much friends either. I was alone and I didn’t communicate with anyone other than my family and I realised I was happier. It was actually people that made me sad at first it was hard but later I got used to it and I was so much happier. I started to read books, paint I even joined the gym. I finally found out who I truly was and I was me without stress without anyone just me myself and I. Then I was given my phone back and to be honest I didn’t want it back because I knew it would destroy me and to be honest that’s exactly what it did the stress was just killing me as I felt the need I always needed to reply once I had a message. When someone got angry at me I got scared but to be honest in reality it’s just a phone and its silly getting angry over cyber space and beating yourself up about it. I looked around and realised im in my living room im safe im fine and I should be happy as I should be concentrating about reality not cyber space.
In my opinion I think the cyber world ruins people if you agree or not. Also some people face to face do hurt you a lot but never let it drag you down and to be honest the way to success is to be independent and spend some time alone and truly find out who you are. If you can’t be happy with yourself how are you going to be happy with other people in your life? Im not saying isolate yourself im just saying spend some time on you too. Thank you for reading I hope I helped and advised well if you need help or support just message me. Also read my previous posts as they may help you and advise you.
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Saturday 7 November 2015

People mistake my kindness for weakness and take advantage of our friendship.

People mistake my kindness for weakness and take advantage of our friendship.
Have you ever felt token advantage of? Or even used? Trust me, I think everyone has and people always mistake your kindness for a weakness that something they use it against you.
Honestly I have been there too. Im known as a normal quite shy girl who is “too nice” but I have learnt from my mistakes that you have to toughen up whether you feel bad about it or not. You need to learn if you be too nice you have to be prepared to get hurt it is life. As a person I be nice to people from the heart honestly but they always use me and take advantage and it is kind of sad to say im used to it. They sometimes laugh at me but I know I didn’t be nice for a certain reason I did it from the kindness of my heart and to be honest they are the fools because I don’t need them they need me in the end of the day. So never regret to be nice but always be prepared make yourself strong enough for anything that would come your way.
Once I used to be very nice to this guy, used to pay for his food, help with his work and a lot more. I used to be nice from the kindness of my heart because I just wanted to make friends but the more I try the more I get hurt it always happens and it still does but the worst part was when this friend started taking advantage stopped being grateful. He got greedy and kept asking and asking for more. He was the type to back bite but I’m not like that I don’t judge people I don’t back bite and slowly it really annoyed me I started to see what kind of person he truly was. He got to the point where he started swearing at me but I still was being nice, I stood up for myself one day because I wasn’t really happy being his friend. In the end of the day the fact is he needed me I didn’t need him, he wasn’t doing anything good for me except hurt me. I did get really hurt and upset I cried my eyes out because I was being so nice to this person and he just took advantage of me. I just locked my feelings away I stopped talking to people much to avoid being nice because when I get attached to someone I be too nice and I always get hurt.
But I got taught that everyone is different and you will always get hurt for being too nice its part of life. Only you allow someone to take advantage of you as you are the only one that can put a stop to it before it gets too late. You can’t be nice to someone if you cannot be nice to yourself. Instead of worrying how that person would feel worry about how you feel. So you better promise me if you’re reading this that you would put yourself first. Thank you for reading and I hope my blog has motivated you and has inspired you. If you need anyone to talk to or just a friend feel free to message me, thanks.
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