Wednesday 15 July 2015

Be yourself because an original is worth more than a copy

Be yourself because an original is worth more than a copy

Have you ever felt so insecure about the way you look? Honestly don’t! I think you are all beautiful every face is different and special. You should never stop loving yourself or beating yourself up about the way you look.

I’ll be honest I was insecure about the way I looked but I got over it I just looked in the mirror and I realised I was born with this face I can’t change I just have to live with it and accept it. Honestly I do not wear foundation or a lot of makeup I only wear eyeliner because I learnt that why should I put make up on just to look good when I go out no one has a right to judge me! That day I learnt to love myself I became stronger. I got called ugly a lot of times in the past but I just asked myself two things, is it true? So I looked in the mirror and I thought my face could be a lot worse than it is now, so no it is not true. Then I asked myself another question, do I care? Do I really care what people think about my looks? If they were really my friends or someone I should notice they would be noticing what is inside, which is me, my personality but no they judged me from what is outside so no I do not care and neither should you because you are beautiful.

In school I used to get judged a lot and it dropped my confidence so much I used to be alone all the time at break I was just alone they all laughed at me and I put up with it. But one day I realised is anyone by side? No it was just me, myself and I. Why should I hate myself my looks my everything when I am alone I should love myself as I am the only person I have. So I started college I decided I should change I should love myself I should be happy! So that is what I did I pushed myself into becoming confident even if I didn’t want to I had to! I didn’t care about the way I looked I was happy and people loved me for who I was inside not outside I got accepted once in my life. A girl from my college went to my school and we didn’t really talk much but now she considered me as a best friend. So one day I asked her what people in school said about me, she told me they said oh look at her she dresses up like a tramp. The funny thing is I looked back and I realised these people who said these things have gone on where in life they are just trapped in a box where looks mean everything I just laugh at them they need to see there is a bigger world out there other than looks. What is surprising is a guy from school asked me out and he was popular and used to make fun of me now I’ve grown up his noticed I have an amazing personality I have friends who are successful and that makes him want me but I said no! I am better than that! I should have someone who loves me as me not for my looks just because I’ve grown up.

So yes people will judge you never ever let it bring you down who are these people? What rights do they have to judge and honestly are they better than you? Are they worth you thinking low about yourself? Just one thing before I end this article, you are beautiful and when everyone leaves you will only have yourself so learn to love yourself.

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Tuesday 14 July 2015

Sometimes you have to let go and be free

Sometimes you have to let go and be free

Have you ever left someone who is just impossible to forget? Its difficult right? It feels like you just cannot get that person out of your life no matter how hard you try. But there not physically in your but there mentally in your life, in your mind.

This is quite a personal story of mine I was with a guy for four years on and off he hurt me a lot but I loved him its quite silly when I think about how immature I was. He would date me and then overnight he would dump me like I was nothing I didn’t mean anything to him or anyone like I was just something you just dump. He hurt me so much he was more of  a bully than a lover, he used me to get me into fights, into arguments and I used to cry every night thinking where did I go wrong what did I do that was so bad to him that I deserved this? Everyone told me to leave him but I just couldn’t I was so attached because some days he made me laugh, he made me smile he made me feel like the only girl in the world. I had things going on at home I didn’t get much attention he was the only person that gave me attention but I didn’t notice how badly he was destroying me. Until it was too late and I ignored all my friends, I lost them I was alone only had him no one else then he bullied me so much with four other guys that I tried to kill myself on webcam I went into depression but he still didn’t stop but im glad I let go now I’ve blocked him out of my life im so happy I got away before it was too late I do not regret leaving him ever! All the pain he gave me erased these good memories.

So honestly if you feel like you are not happy with someone or the way they treat just let them go it’s your life not theirs they have no right over and sometimes it’s best to let go before it is too late. I believe you can be happy and honestly you don’t need someone to keep you happy it is your job to make yourself happy. I want you to be happy I want the whole world to be full of laughter but it you are upset just let go and be free. Yes you do have memories but just keep them as memories the past is the past no time for regret just live a life you want to remember everyday every minute is a memory so make it worth it which I am sure is not being upset all the time. So smile and just let go of any pain.
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Monday 13 July 2015

Don’t be afraid to stand for what you believe in, even if that means standing alone

Don’t be afraid to stand for what you believe in, even if that means standing alone
You shouldn’t be scared to stand up for what you think is right as in the end of the day it’s your opinion and your own gut feeling, no one can change that or can make you feel bad. Therefore you should stick up for yourself and others as allowing someone to just push you down and make you go against your beliefs would make you feel weak however I believe you are not weak.
Once during my school days my friends where bullying this girl she was a sweet and innocent girl they thought I would join them and bully her because I was there friends but I stood up and I said no. I lost five friends that day but I saved someone really nice from getting bullied as I have been bullied in the past and it is not a very nice feeling and no one should go through it that is my belief and I stood up for it and for that girl. Yes I was alone but I was not afraid they couldn’t say nothing because it is wrong to bully some.
So if anyone ever pressurises you into doing anything wrong all you have to say is no. just one simple word with two letters but if your believe is going to hurt someone or put them into harm I would believe that is wrong as the world should be a big community and respect one another.
Sometimes it is scary thinking you would be alone just because you stood up for yourself but don’t be scared its sometimes best to be alone as you find out who you truly are and you will learn to love yourself. If you ever see someone getting hurt you should stand up for them as one day you might not know you would be in that position and luckily someone may stand up for you.
I know sometimes the truth may be hard to tell someone or to even accept but you have to let it out as you shouldn’t be living your life full of lies I have been there and I just let out the truth because I felt it was right I couldn’t live behind lies I was scared id be alone and yes I did end up alone by telling the truth however I felt better about myself I felt like a stronger person, a different person and I made new friends, a new life. Just because I did what I thought was right and I didn’t want to be afraid no more. I took as a new exciting challenge for myself and this challenge has made me really strong if I could up for myself and not be afraid I am sure you can, I promise you will feel better and good about yourself.
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