Wednesday 24 February 2016

What's wrong with just being you?

What’s wrong with just being you?
Ask yourself these questions… why are you insecure? Do you like the way you look? Why does it matter? Doesn’t who you are inside count too?
Everyone is beautiful in their unique way, but everyone has flaws does not mean you need to be insecure. Two years ago I used to have anxiety I was scared about what people would say or think about me I still do sometimes but it is not as bad as before. I got over it when I really stressed about people saying things about me even people I do not know I used to walk around so paranoid I just build this some sort of fear inside me but these people never ever approached me that is when I realised I was really stressing over nothing these situation has happened to me so many times that I am used to it I do not let it get to me people anymore. Inside I knew I am a bubbly happy person full of light I help so many people in reality such as relationships, education and just to be a friend I try so hard to be there for people just so they do not go through what I have been through and these people I have helped have once hurt me but as a person I do not let it get to me because I know I am not a bad person but they do not like the way I dress or the way I do my hair well I do not care and neither should you.
Almost everyone judges it is life no matter what you do even if you are not yourself people will judge you so it is best to honestly just to be you. Never ever let these situation change the person you are inside and let that personality glow on the outside never pretend to be someone you are not it would just create a wall inside of your heart to stop you from glowing it would make you quite upset for a very long time do not make the mistake I did and barrier that inner glow in you. Once I started being myself I was so much happier I did what I want and said what I want it makes life so much easier people say things but it does not knock me down. It is not easy but take a step at a time it to me two years but it is worth it in the end.
So just be yourself and do not let people put you down or you put yourself down. Be happy and live life at its fullest like I said almost everyone judges but do not let it bother you it would not follow you from long even if it does you know you are not like that so do not let it get to you. So if you are reading this just always be happy and promise me you will be yourself, what is inside matters not out. Thank you for reading I hope I helped and advised well if you need help or support just message me. Also read my previous posts as they may help you and advise you.
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